@Anon 7:50According to DCSS figures (Dan Drake's fine studies), FES has over 100 out-of-district students. © 2021 GAMLS; FMLS. But they receive little help from the very people who are being paid large salaries to help them.Until we change the upper management of the Central office and put money back into the classrooms (grade level and content area) and Title 1 teachers who are highly qualified to teach one-on-one and/or small groups of students, DCSS will continue to spiral down in the south end of the county where most of the Title1 schools reside. "It's amazing to me in a district of almost 100,000 students really we only end up talking about maybe 2,000-3,000 students that attend magnets and Fernbank Elem. Are you being redistricted to a school that by perceived reputation considered less than where you are now?I am just saying for those that are being TOLD this is what is happening to your children, this can be really tough. And there is always the cases of the richer communities like Fernbank and Lakeside that contribute to pay for extra staff. . She is careful and thoughtful and will do her due diligence in research, but mind you I do believe she has what it takes to do what is best for the children. Last spring, the board failed to take action after they formed a committee to close schools.If everyone fights the good fight as you say, then what will we have. !That's the fat that needs to be trimmed via consolidation. It has been on the market for a total of 18 days and was last sold on May 24, 2016. South DeKalb, a once vibrant area, has been wrecked economically by Wall Street and Title 1 and other school funds not being spent efficiently - i.e. Kittredge Magnet School. It is not the parents of the middle and high school magnet parents that are extremely upset with this proposal. * Kittredge Magnet School is one of the top 100 best public schools in America. "Enough with the drama. Fernbank is a good school, but there are lots of other good schools DeKalb. Students and teachers do,” he said. We need to be as stingy on this group as possible and send many of the certified personnel back into the regular ed classroom to teach math, reading, science and social studies.

I'm not a Fernbank parent but I think one of their problems is that they are wondering if their overcrowding was adjusting to delete the kids who didn't belong there based on administrative transfers. Chamblee Middle School offers a diverse curriculum that . To all the people complaining that the Science Center is across from Fernbank ES... my kids went to Fernbank and I can count on one hand the number of times they went to that science center... so it is not exactly an extended classroom for Fernbank ES...Briar Vista is a low performing (Great Schools rating of 4) school. and the scuttled Sembler project.My point to all this is that squawking parents do not always get their way. Out-of district attendance at schools is not just an issue related to Fernbank: it's an issue at every school in north Dekalb that generally performs above state and national averages in quantitative measures and has a reputation as a decent school. Fact 1: About 70% of your property tax bill goes to the school district. And with the redistricting, some of the less desirable schools become more desirable as they gain active parents to serve them. Each chapter focuses on a geological formation the group descends through, but plant and animal life, ecology, human impacts, and the students' experience and learning are all tightly woven into Gordon's reflections and storytelling, which ... As of 2013, the Transportation department manages 945 buses and 850 drivers to transport more than 65,000 students daily. Walker and the rest of the BOE will have all DCSS taxpayers eyes on them. .

Like Fran Millar, who told parents at Nancy Creek (before Kittredge)4 years ago and during the first public comment meeting for the last redistricting plan that Clew FAILED with, "This is a done deal! ;-), @ 11:06"Wage earners who may or may not pay ANY income taxes and send their children to Title 1 schools receive Millions of taxpayer dollars by way of services and equipment"Almost ALL of the Title 1 dollars (federal dollars were $128,000 to DCSS last year or 14% of the budget) that should go to those schools are spent on non-teaching employees and expensive learning programs that HAVE NOT raised student achievement. In the north, we have Kittredge Magnet (capacity: 443 and enrollment of 416), and Oakcliff Theme (capacity: 662, enrollment: 593) that's 1,009 students in theme/magnet schools in the north - central DeKalb offers Robert Shaw Theme (capacity: 512, enrollment: 485) and Wynbrooke Theme (capacity: 837, enrollment: 933) totaling 1,418 students in . ! I don't know how long you have lived in Dekalb, and I might date myself, but WD Thompson ES, Margaret Harris ES, the "original" Kittredge ES, Briarcliff HS, etc. The listing brokerage is identified in any listing details. To remediate these losses, DSA's bold . Laurel Ridge Elementary Facility . Does this sound back a**wards to anyone else? Personally, I'm glad they didn't.

That in no way can compare to the purpose of redistricting. They only get one chance at a decent education, something many of them are not getting with our current DCSS jobs program. Kittredge Magnet Facility 84. Give us more -- I don't care where you are from, what your background, how much your parents earn, or what color your skin. The average kid of working parents at all schools should be having needs met. But if the ONLY reason they're doing it is financial, it's not a long term solution because the root of the problem remains, and will get bigger each year as salaries increase. Does a given policy arouse energy, foster skills, spur social mobility and help people transform their lives? Her research in her state showed that not one school in a rich neighborhood was failing let alone low performing. Don't they have one of the most involved PTAs in the state? A student enrolled in the assigned area Magnet school or program, or in a Citywide Magnet, is eligible for bus transportation if the student lives one mile or more from the school. We do not to repost all the statistics again in a discussion about redistricting.I am shocked that the out-of-district attendance policy was not discussed as it bears much relevance on the discussions around redistricting. The board will cave and the students in local schools in every other "region" in the county will continue to have to fight tooth and nail to have any gifted resources funneled to students in their local schools. DISTRICT CALENDAR. The DCSS administration chooses to spend most of the money on more administrators, equipment and 'programs'. Roommate floor plan. Other key issues he raises are: -Don't push your child too hard in school -High academic achievement has no correlation with happy adult life -Put your efforts into helping your child become good at something that will become a passionate ... Pulling the magnet program out of these schools is going to have a negative effect on these school communities.While many of you are quite rude about it, many of you have also correctly pointed out that the parents of the magnet students are very involved in their children's education. But the difference is startling.

Our enrollment didn't go down. Please. Surely Fernbank parents cannot defend the ecological negative to thousands of buses on the road transporting these students to one teacher? Yes, we can still offer magnets for those who truly seek that different type of environment, but we should look forward to reducing the need for magnets as we balance and improve our neighborhood schools in order to act as good stewards of the public school funding and the mission to provide at least a decent education to each child in DeKalb. 212-913-9058. I find the post by Fernbank Fights Back to be obnoxious and distasteful. From The Champion:http://championnewspaper.com/news/articles/743proposal-calls-for-14-county-schools-to-close743.html. Why is moving the magnet program so detrimental to Chamblee? About 15% of the student body. If we are able to secure a date and time, it is absolutely imperative that we have a more-than-stellar turnout. Everyone knows that FSC was spared cuts last year because Fernbank community parents went to bat for it. What about Dekalb Elementary School of the Arts? Inter-American Magnet School. If you ever work in those schools, you'll realize what the teachers are up against. With 4,340 schools educating 3.5 million+ students nationwide, each school typically focuses on individually themed curricula. I'm sure SCW has lots of alternative data that shows exactly what the attendance patterns are at all of the south DeKalb schools, which she carefully compared to the data the consultants used for their report, which backs up her charges against the consultants. This property was listed for sale on November 3, 2021 by Chapman Hall Premier Realtors at $249,000. Anon. Music should also be required at ALL elementary schools; it is proven that participation in music increases math capabilities among young children and prepares them for more advanced studies.If we would refuse to continue the two-tier system and put these magnet kids back in their home schools AND increase the offerings that they students fled the local schools to receive at the magnets, then perhaps more schools would be making AYP and more students would be learning.Let's be honest, no one is interested in doing this.

If my kids were still at Fernbank I would be up in arms, too. I do not understand how Avondale is "central". They've changed only slightly"Without Fernbank our scores would be in the toilet."Hello. It will place the magnet programs much closer to my family residence. If they are not certified, let them go and hire teachers to teach our kids. This year they have bought more technology and are looking at ways of securing them from the DCSS creeper.....Don't trust the government for anything, especially in DeKalb. The magnets are not the only option for a high achiever. 7:15am Doors Open. This does not seem central. How about sharing language teachers? Fernbank is a high performing (Great School Rating 10) school with an International Baccalaureate program. Children in the Kittredge program remain housed at the Nancy Creek building. We paid unbiased consultants who came up with this result. In the centralized option, the magnet moves to Avondale, so you are correct.

6:02, I will NOT breathe easily until Moseley, Turk, Mitchell-Mayfield, Thompson, Ramsey, Hunter, Beasley and the other friends and family are OUT of DCSS. Transportation $607 $60,835,000 4.6% Other: $284 $28,396,000 2.1% Total Support $3,930 $393,536,000 29.7% Non-instructional Expenditures $2,033 $203,560,000 They have a very loud voice. You are without a doubt the most powerful group of parents in DCSS. 7:10am Bus riders enter. Fernbank parents did that. "Now they want to move Kittredge and the magnet programs at CMS and CCHS to Avondale??? There are also racial and economic issues at play.

Maybe you should take notes... "Yes. The precincts still in the Fernbank district did not vote as heavily for him. Please provide us with links to statistics that show the efficacy of Fernbank Science Center with regards to scores for our thousands of students in the area of science education.I live quite close to Fernbank Science Center so my daughter went to many programs when she was small - bird watching, stream ecology, etc. We are here to help! She most likely has realized that once her contract as Interim expires, she will have no place in DeKalb. Ideal location inside perimter. If (these people are) who I think),you can bank on Fernbank's attendance zone not being touched. Foreign languages should be offered to EVERY student in the district in elementary school. Let me see if I've got this strait. Tyson needs to be looking to save taxpayers money, equalize and improve opportunities for regular ed and magnet students, and offer parents of qualified students a real choice for their learning. I wish my area of town cared so much about the whole community and less about making their schools have no apartment children. "How can parents/taxpayers be assure that redundant personnel (custodians, principals, assistant principals, Prevention/Intervention specialists, gifted teachers, special ed teachers, Instructional Coaches, counselors, cafeteria workers, ESOL teachers, Security personnel, secretaries, etc.) The $7,000,000 we spend on Fernbank Science Center is a drain on having DAILY adequately staffed science instruction for EVERY student in DCSS.Fernbank parents, I know it's great to have such a beautifully kept property in your community as well as access for a tiny group of students to take advanced science classes, but it really is unfair to ask the rest of DCSS taxpayers to continue to pay $7,000,000 a year for this antiquated science center system. I am a Fernbank parent. Eldridge L. Miller Elementary Facility 51. Consolidation only works if you get rid of the redundant positions/salaries. Schools should be the anchors of our communities, not somewhere we fight and scrap to get a seat for our child, get up at the crack of dawn and drive across county to and then turn our back on our neighborhood school. MINUTES PRIOR TO BUS DEPARTURE Student Drop Off Leaves Satellite Arrival Time Arrival Back to Satellite/Shuttle 5:30 AM 6:00 AM To Memorial Shuttle 6:30 AM 3:20 PM 6:00 AM 6:50 AM To Kittredge 7:15 AM 2:50 PM Wadsworth Magnet School Satellite, 3039 Santa Monica Dr., Decatur, GA 3032 Student Drop Off Leaves Satellite Arrival Time MORE THAN A NAME State-Sponsored Homophobia and Its Consequences in Southern Africa TABLE OF CONTENTS

Add to this the cost of the physical plant which is a static or even escalating figure, and you can see why FSC is an idea that has outlived its time.Let the FSC teachers be based out of existing schools and make school visits which it appears they are doing more and more of.

I don't know how many of them are children of FES staff, and how many are there because of the IB school choice option, but I know that in the past, a significant number were children of CO people, teachers at other schools in the feeder pattern, and people who had friends on high. MILLIONS we will receive from the state in the future.

Title 1 dollars are for our neediest children.I don't feel sorry for you as much as I feel sorry for the students in Title 1 schools. If nothing else is accomplished, perhaps Fernbank's ugly response to redistricting will encourage other schools to not respond in such a manner. DCSD operates public schools in areas of DeKalb County that are not within the city limits of Atlanta and Decatur.It will serve a portion of Atlanta annexed by that . What a waste of taxpayer dollars for a rinky dink pseudo-science center/museum. The maps and the list referenced above conflict with each other and do not appear to be consistent.Kittredge is listed as one of 14 schools (potentially) to be closed by DCSS.Kittredge IS NOT not on the decentralized map. I'm sure Wadsworth parents feel the same way.

)Now, we replace that former Avondale MS principal and the formerly redundant staff with the best staff from the selected schools above (or someone new!) Fernbank parents did that. I'm sorry, but the veil just dropped from the Fernbank community and the naked truth was pretty ugly. My neighborhood (and school) gets split under both plans. Montgomery Parent - the way I'm seeing the map, in the centralized option, those 182 Montgomery kids would be redistricted to attend a new neighborhood school in the building which currently houses the Kittredge Magnet program. Like Cere, what I would like to see is increased and appropriate resources provided to ALL students (not just low performing students) in their local schools. This volume includes a concise history of the South Carolina Historical Marker Program and an overview of the marker application process. Here is something not surprising from the AJC story:Board member Sarah Copelin-Wood, who complained of racism last year, said the consultants’ data was inaccurate and some south DeKalb schools are overcrowded.“We want our children to learn. From the first amateur leagues of the 1860s to the exploits of Livan and Orlando "El Duque" Hernandez, here is the definitive history of baseball in Cuba. School CMS created by eSchoolView. And I'd support any group that was willing to take on this Board and Administration. Kittergidge stays open in decentralized and moves in centralized. If we can get the school system through this property values will go up accross the county. ok - i was wrong, the fernbank parents make the magnet parents look like a bunch of pussy cats!throw in the scowling dr walker and this is going to get really interesting. "Fernbank parents should have been concentrating/need to concentrate on "rightsizing" the enormous bloat in the DCSS admin and support area. Look at the history of the program and internalize the criticism you have leveled at me. When asked, he seemed to hem and haw.That said, my dear magnet friends. Parents who mobilize to ensure a great education for their children should be valued. This should be presented to the BOE and should published information for the taxpayers. Let's not get distracted by the fact that there are still 8,500 over paid admin and support personnel and only 6,500 teachers. Perhaps these schools can afford in space and money to become a real "choice" for students that qualify - not a stroke of "luck". The listing brokerage is identified in any listing details. Very few are brave enough to engage a battle they're likely to lose.I wonder how many folks on this blog have that kind of courage.And I wonder how many folks on this blog are jealous and resentful of those that do.My children don't attend Fernbank. This does not equate to "slightly", FSC has powerful advocates in the south of the county, too. (8) McLendon Elementary (5) McNair Discovery Learning (4 . The Chamblee / Dunwoody parents have invested time money and energy in building our magnet programs. I am a bit tired of wealth redistribution on a local level. For teachers to see your talent, and passion, you are really gonna need to stand . Title 1 funds are based on the number of students who are from low income families, many group homes and foster homes. Ten-year-old Emery Walhen, a fifth-grader at Kittredge Magnet School for High Achievers, dreams of a day when car pollution will be eliminated.That was the subject of her winning entry in the comic strip portion of the Clean Air Campaignâ s Young Lungs at Work Art Competition.In the comic strip, a girl was â walking to school and she saw a lot of I can't imagine any CEO wouldn't put the details of where the savings will come from in front of the Board of Directors and stockholders. You will buy spirit wear and get other school information (transportation, clubs, etc.) Also, the magnet schools don't have as many students with disabilities. @ 4:56 I agree that the centralized plan looks pretty good to me. Lakeside, Druid Hills, Henderson, Oak Grove, Shamrock even--you name it. Bethune Middle (7) Marbut Elementary (1) Margaret Harris Comprehensive (8) Martin Luther King, Jr. H.S. This listing's school district is DeKalb County. Everyone is missing the point. You now have won your official certificate as a right wing wacko, racist, homophobe, politically incorrect, uncaring, unsharing DeKalb County taxpayer. To me, the system reached critical mass on dysfunction and failure a long time ago.

Don't spend $7,000,000 of our student science funds on this edifice to the 1950s.BTW - I'll wait for your link to those thousands of students having improved DCSS science scores due to FSC. Do that math again for Chamblee HS magnet, SW DeKalb Magnet and DSA.

Your spouse knows that these 35 admin and support personnel consuming over $2,500,000 in salary and benefit tax dollars, are needed even less as he/she goes out into the schools more and more. I am the same anon 9:46. With consolidation, why would DCSS need two coordinators for the Gifted/Magnet program? Do you really think the rest of the county are slackers who don't work hard and care about their kids, even if they don't make Fernbank-area salaries?Fernbank is not being "gutted," it is being asked to finally take its fair share of the pain the rest of us have been feeling for years. The nastiness of the comments directed to the Fernbank parents and community surprise me. Please use this link to find resources that are in place to help our . © Compass 2021. What are these schools doing to get parents through the door and supporting the school system? Thank you, Anon 11:52. Then there's the children of teachers at Shamrock and Druid Hills, who will be teaching their children in the future, and so it goes on... That is why I thought the Board was going to deal with their out-of-district attendee policy last night, making the policy more rigid and grandfathering in the kids who are already at the various schools these children attend. 3. East Campus #2/Transportation Facility 50. We cannot sit back and keep doing what we are doing, as it's not working. Brookhaven is a city in the northeastern suburbs of Atlanta that is located in western DeKalb County, Georgia, United States, directly northeast of Atlanta.On July 31, 2012, Brookhaven was approved in a referendum to become DeKalb County's 11th city. It appears we were correct about Tyson's pension b... Hurrah for Southwest DeKalb Marching Band. make up for the obvious advantages wealth plays in the educational attainment of children. Families know when its coming and plan accordingly. My 2nd grader has now been 5 times. Active. Unbelievable waste of time, money, and clean air space. @ 9:17"I don't know how long you have lived in Dekalb, and I might date myself, but WD Thompson ES, Margaret Harris ES, the "original" Kittredge ES, Briarcliff HS, etc. It is a close-knit community. Are things really so different in north vs south DeKalb? I liked Don's quote in the AJC - “What we need to remember is that buildings don’t make AYP. Your community is that selfish. Information (including measurements), regardless of source, is deemed reliable but should be independently verified and confirmed. We're paying for those poor decisions 5 years ago by CLew and his greed, when it came to that property on Druid Hills Rd. I do not live in the Fernbank area, but I applaud their efforts. Maybe I'm the wrong one, but that is how I'm reading it. According to google maps, the distance between Avondale HS and MLK HS (the southern-most DCSS high school) is 9.3 miles. Go Fernbank!!! Students who qualify count as Title 1 students, however schools are only Title 1 if a certain percentage of total students qualify. I'd be very upset with either option. Perhaps they wouldn't be faced with this redistricting of their community. Amen Anon 11:06!I could never figure out why non-performing schools were always given the perks while the schools that did what they were expected by the Federal Government guidelines were always left out of funding.Just because the taxpayers, who are involved with the education of their children through volunteering, PTA, tutoring, mentoring and financial gifts, are always chastised and punished by the Feds and ignored doesn't mean they deserve a part of the huge pie. DESA IS centrally located.MLK is not the southernmost HS. The proposal that saves us the most money AND garners the most money back from the state is the Centralized plan. Fernbank parents need to be thinking ahead to how they want to influence changes at Briarvista instead of painting Briarvista with the ugly brush and making "stinky" faces. THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE CHAMBLEE HIGH SCHOOL THAT WE'VE KNOWN AND LOVED.

I wonder since you never hear about Arabia being messed with. They are just plain LUCKY. four schools (Kittredge, Wadsworth, Chamblee Middle and Chapel Hill) will all merge together under one roof as the K-8 high achiever's magnet. Just ask the parents and teachers how clueless he was, when it came to being a CTSS. Call the Dekalb County School District Help Desk at 678-676-1188. When they realize their home values are about to sink further it'll hit the proverbial fan.The sparks will be liveliest around Fernbank, Lakeside, Livsey, Sagamore, and former Dunwoody feeders becoming Chamblee feeders. The Gutenberg Galaxy catapulted Marshall McLuhan to fame as a media theorist and, in time, a new media prognosticator. Fifty years after its initial publication, this landmark text is more significant than ever before. Find school attendance zones by address. Also, the proposal calls for 12,000 to 16,100 students among the system’s 99,000 student body attending new schools next year. Unfortunately, since this blog is powered by Blogger and not WordPress, I can't store the file for you to download. To Farewell Kittridge-That isn't how I read it at all. No financial or legal advice provided. The Dunwoody crowd doesn't seem to be complaining, Walker, C-W and Cunnignham comprise only 3 out of 9 votes, and I'd say the rest are leaning toward gritting their teeth, bearing the abuse over the next couple of months and doing the dirty work. I'm not so sure you'd like to pay those City of Decatur taxes to go with. We invite you to participate in the Family and Community Stakeholder Survey.

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